Monday, January 28, 2013

Encouragement of a Friend

Earlier today, while I was out walking one of my dogs, my phone went off, informing me that I had a text message, or in this case, that someone had posted on my Facebook wall.  When I checked it, I was incredibly surprised to see that it was informing me that one of my former youth pastors had posted on my wall.  The surprise came from the fact that I haven't really seen or spoken to him since my family moved into Albuquerque.  Since the message only gives a the first couple of words of the post, I really wasn't sure what the post was about.

So when I got home, I headed straight over to my computer and proceeded to check it out.  I was again incredibly surprised when I saw that it wasn't just a short post like I was expecting, but almost a full page.  Reading what he said, reminded me of why he was always one of my favorite people.  He told me that he had seen my blog and wanted to encourage me in my weight loss.  That in and of itself was huge for me.  And then he shared his own weight loss goals and story with me.  Again, that was huge for me.  I have a few people who are encouraging about my weight loss, but none of them have really struggled with being overweight or struggled to then lose that weight.  Reading his story was one of those moments of, I'm not alone in this.

Most of the time what I post on my blog is meant to be interesting or something to learn from or just fun, in short, I try to post things that will encourage or interest other people.  What I never expected, was that through it, I would receive some of the encouragement I've gotten from friends who have read it.  And for that, I feel very blessed.

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