Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

So I woke up this morning feeling pretty depressed.  I'd had this absolutely perfect dream where the guy I liked finally liked me too, my career was getting started and going really well, I was thin and felt beautiful, and basically everything I wanted had come true.  It was so vivid, so real...and then I woke up.  Worst feeling ever.

Okay, kind of pathetic reason to feel down but there are a lot of times when I think that I am way over my head and I'm not going to be able to succeed in any of dreams.  So seeing it all come true and then realizing it was just dream and my life is the same as always wasn't thrilling.  BUT, on a more positive note that made things much better, I've lost 10 1/2 pounds since Saturday which is really exciting because I haven't weighed this much in over 6 months. So I'm trying to stay positive and figure, well, this means I'm one step closer to a part of that dream I had which is an encouraging thought.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm super excited because I finally saved up enough money to buy one of the books I need to start my Quenya course.  In case that makes zero sense to anybody, I'm trying to teach myself Elvish from Lord of the Rings.  The books I need for the course are from Tolkien's Histories of Middle Earth.  I have over half of the twelve books that complete the set, but wouldn't you figure that the books I need are the ones I don't have.  Grrrr!

My parents responses to this are pretty hilarious.  My dad just thinks I'm weird, as usual.  He totally doesn't understand my LOTR obsession.  My mom is both annoyed and amused.  Annoyed because the one language I'm making an effort at learning is totally not practical and not at all useful, and amused because well, how many people actually try to learn Elvish?  Yeah, don't answer that question.  But its pretty much totally me, because I love anything fantasy related so of course I'd want to learn the one language that of all the languages in my various books is actually possible to learn.  Oh, and its possibly one of that hardest languages I could possibly try to learn because, well, its not an actual used language.  Yeah, this is going to be an interesting endeavor.  Don't you just love my random, discombobulated blog posts? =D  Have an awesome day!

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