Saturday, June 16, 2012

What's Going Without Saying Should Be Said

So this post might seem slightly random to some people, but to me its really not.  Today my family's having a kind of birthday party for my grandmother on my mom's side.  It's definitely not going to be your typical kind of party though.  First of all, its at an assisted living facility where my grandmother lives.  And second, there's no telling how many of us she'll even recognize.  My grandmother was diagnosed with dementia last year.  That was something new for all of us to deal with, but I don't think any of us were expecting her to deteriorate so fast.  In a matter of months, basically between August till Christmas Day, she went from the sassy, almost bratty, tiny grandma I knew to this feeble, emotional person who called me Esther.  She had no clue who I was or who my cousin was.  Not exactly the best Christmas one would hope for.

With my grandmother not recognizing me anymore, there are things that I regret.  Like how the only times I ever saw her or my grandfather was pretty much at family get togethers or when my parents and I had lunch with them.  Like all the times I got annoyed at her for smacking me in what she considered to be a playful way.  For not always being the loving granddaughter I should have been.  So there are some minor things and some bigger things that I regret.

So basically what I'm trying to say is don't leave an opening for regret to creep in.  There are times when we have the opportunity to say or do something, but we don't, and then we regret it later.  Don't let that happen.

I'm more focused on family in this post, probably because that's where most of my regret has come from in the past year or so.  So this is a song I wanted to share that basically shares what I'm trying to say better than I can through my fumbling.

Just be sure to tell your family you love them at every opportunity, thank them, appreciate them, care for them, etc.  And regret nothing.

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