Friday, May 25, 2012

Just Watch Me

In my post the other day I mentioned that I had finally found a new job that seemed to be absolutely perfect for what I needed.  Just as a recap, I'm going to be working in customer sales selling kitchen products.  So while I was over the moon about it, my parents were both skeptical and they let me know it.  The more they talked about how they didn't think I could do it, it wasn't practical, it was going to be hard, I should just say no and find something else, the more I found that I began to doubt myself.  This job has everything that I was looking for but my parents just couldn't seem to see that.  So instead of being encouraging and supportive, which was what I really needed, they tried to dissuade me.  This was honestly very reminiscent of when I told them I wanted to become an actress and wanted to major in theater when I went to college.  They slammed that down too, but after a year and a half of college where I learned very little and tried three different majors, they finally relented... rather reluctantly.

Now, if you know me, you know that I am stubborn as hell.  Not even kidding.  And if I have my heart set on something, one of two things will happen if someone tries to convince me I'm wrong or I shouldn't do something:  if they have good reasoning and are able to share their idea without bringing me down and making me feel like an absolute idiot, I'll usually listen and certainly consider what they've said.  However, if they basically just tell me that they don't think something's a good idea and they don't have any real plausible or concrete ideas as to why I shouldn't do something, I get determined to prove them wrong.

So when my parents started telling my I shouldn't do this and basically just not being at all supporting, my stubborn side came out and I was determined to prove them wrong.  So while to an extent I am still second-guessing myself at times, I am more determined than ever to make this work.  I am a fierce person and when I set my mind to something, it will get done.  So while my parents continue to tell me that this job isn't going to work out, I just kind of smile to myself and think, "Just watch me.  I'm going to prove you wrong.  Just watch."

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