Friday, May 3, 2013

Packing Up

So I get to move into my new apartment tomorrow morning, which, again is really exciting and really nerve-racking, and I've barely packed anything.  I swear, I am the queen of procrastination.  So at this moment I should really be packing and making the most of my time, but I guess my mind just kind of figured, well, hey, you've been procrastinating this long a few more minutes won't kill me.  We'll see if those will be famous last words.  While I'm still really excited to be moving, I've also been discovering how expensive it is!  If I'd known, I'd probably have delayed moving for another month or two so I could just save up as much as possible.  But I've been managing and I'm thankful for my parents who are doing all they can to help me.

As I've been packing I've been marvelling at all the things I've had to buy for it.  I mean, you know there are just certain things that are in the house that you honestly don't event think about buying really, they're just there.  You need it and, oh yup, its going to be right there.  So that's been kind of entertaining as I've been poking around the house writing everything down and making a list.  Its also been interesting in figuring out some logistics as to where some things will go.  I have this huge old desk in my room now that holds all my pens and paper and other junk and now I have to figure out where to store it all because I'm not going to have a desk at this point in my apartment.  I also have to figure out what to do with my books because, again at this point, I don't have a bookcase yet and anyone who's been in my room knows I have a ton of books that I'm constantly adding to.  So there are a few kinks to work out here and there, but I think it'll all work out in the end.

I've also been excited because I did decide to bring my mice with me.  I almost thought about not bringing them because that would just be easier, but truth is, I really love my girls because they are so much sweeter and more friendly than my old male mice who were also fighting with each other.  If I put my hand in their tank they run over and start climbing on my hand.  So with my mom's help I decided to keep them.  Now I'll just be raiding my parent's house every couple of weeks to clean their cage. LOL

 Oh, so I don't think I've shown any pictures of the apartment.  In case anyone is interested, here's the layout of the apt.

I think its going to be a really nice size for me and it'll be really nice having the washer and dryer in the apartment.  One of the parts I'm most excited about is the kitchen.  A lot of the time in a one bedroom apartment it seems like the kitchen is just really small.  This one has a really nice sized one with plenty of counter top space so I'll have lots of room to cook.  I also like how it has an island where I can sit and eat so I didn't have to go out and buy a dining table and chairs.  I also really love where its located.  Its kind of towards the entrance, but its also tucked back in a little bit and its pretty central so its close to the clubhouse and its also close to the secondary pool and all the grills.  Its really pretty there and I can't wait to do some grilling this summer.

So now that I'm done being excited for the time being, I think I'll go do some much needed packing.  Eeep!

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