Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sometimes I Wonder

So, it's almost 11:30 at night, I've slept less than 24 hours in the past week, and I'm blogging. Yeah, I must be crazy. In any case though, I will make this short. I just saw something tonight that got me thinking, a dangerous thing indeed. It was one of the things you can "like" on facebook that talked about how guys don't realize how much work girls put into making themselves look nice for them. That just randomly got me wondering if that's true. I mean, a lot of girls are like that, including me. We spend hours making sure our makeup is perfect, straightening or curling our hair and burning ourselves in the process, picking out that perfect outfit, everything, just in the hopes of impressing our boyfriend or the guy we like. So, do the guys notice? I'm sure some of them do, but I'm not sure how common that is. Anyway, completely random, but I found it kind of interesting. And I haven't blogged in a long time, so I just thought I would throw that out.

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