Sunday, October 28, 2012

What Would You Choose?

I recently added a new show to my rather short list of tv shows that I watch:  Grey's Anatomy.  I've never gotten into any kind of medical drama before, I typically prefer crime dramas like Castle, CSI, etc.  Still a rather interesting string of circumstances led to be beginning to watch the show and I quickly became hooked.  That being said I am already about halfway through season 6.  Now the way the shows begin and end typically is with a narration from one of the lead characters, Meredith, foreshadowing the theme of the episode.  This is one of my favorite parts of the show because sometimes those narrations are so insightful and true.  But, naturally, they can't put everything into those few moments, so often times there are other things in the show that catch my attention.  Tonight was no exception.

All of the characters on the show are gifted surgeons, some more than others, but they all have talent.  Throughout the show the viewer watches them struggling to learn, to better themselves, to figure out their lives.  They go through ups and downs, they have relationships, they find love, but what seems to define them is the fact that they are surgeons and that became very clear tonight.  After saying something she didn't mean, one of the characters turns to her fellow surgeons and asks them what seems to be a simple question:  "If you had to choose between the thing you love, surgery, and the person you love, which would you choose?"  Of the five people in the room, three of them chose surgery.  I found that to be such an interesting question, one that in my own way, I've questioned.  As most people know, I want to be an actress.  Its the one thing that I love, that I'm passionate about, the one thing that I think I might actually be good at.  I've been working hard to audition for plays, get parts in local movies, etc., even starting to save money to move to L.A. in the near future.  But I've also wondered sometimes, if I found love, if the right guy asked me out and we started dating and things started moving forward, what would I choose, the career I've been dreaming of and worked for or the man that I could spend my whole life with?

It seems like such a simple question, but the more you look at it, its not.  Career or love? And it doesn't even apply to just that.  Questions like that come up every day.  For some people its easy to answer those questions, like the character who posed the question in the first place.  For her, without any hesitation, she would choose career over love.  For some its choosing to pursue the career that some find foolish instead of going to college.  For others its choosing to make the right decision even if it might hurt them in the end.  So, yes, for some its easy, but for most of us, its hard.  And the one thing I keep coming back to is what another one of the characters says:  "You think that surgery is going to make you feel, you think a successful career is gonna make you happy, you think you know things, you know things and nothing else matters. No one else matters. People do matter. I matter. We...we matter."

Many times we make our decisions based on what will make us happiest, how they'll make us feel.  In truth, no career, no person, nothing can make us truly happy.  True happiness can be found in God alone.  And a lot of the time we forget that or even ignore it.  So keep that in mind.  Which choice will honor God?  Which choice will bring glory to His name?  And I don't think its bad to also as a side note think about which choice will make you happy in the long run.  Just make sure He comes first.  And for the record, as amazing as it would be to be an actress in L.A., to do what I am truly passionate about for a living, if a godly young man decided to ask me out and pursue a relationship with me, well, I choose love.

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