When people are fighting to reach their dreams, I think there comes a time for everyone when they hit a patch where it just seems impossible. There is just no way that they can succeed and they are filled with doubt. And there are also times when the dream just starts to fade. Its there, but the bright, vivid colors that used to make it up, that made it so obvious have dimmed.
I hit that patch recently with my acting career. It wasn't a really bad patch or anything, but the dream had started to dim. So basically what I needed was something to jolt the life back into it, to re-inspire me to throw myself at it again. And the way I got that jolt, was rather surprising to me.
Yesterday, a friend of mine posted on Facebook that she and her mom were going to see Les Miserable and anyone who wanted to go was invited to join them. I love Les Miserable. I love the book, I saw the musical earlier this year and loved it, and I really wanted to see the movie. So when I saw the invite I immediately knew that I was going. I was really excited to get to see it, but I wasn't sure how it was going to be. There had been a lot of hype leading up to it, but I hadn't heard much since it had actually come out in theaters. Still, I was expecting it to be good.
It was far more than that. Quite honestly, for me it was one of the greatest movies I have ever seen, right up there with Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. The acting, the singing, everything was just so amazing. And as I was watching, I felt these feelings, feelings that are hard to describe, not exactly fulfilled, but maybe a bit overwhelmed, almost like my heart was about to burst. When it reached the ending and the final song, I wanted so badly to just stand up and sing along and basically parade around the theater. I didn't, I'm not quite that brave, though I did mouth the words. But as I was watching those final scenes and feeling those feelings, I thought, this is why I want to act, because I want to give others that same feeling. That feeling of such inspiration, of such beauty that its almost too much to handle, that impulsive feeling to get up and sing along or jump up and applaud.
I dreamed a dream and that dream is still alive, and I have no intention of letting life or anything else kill the dream I dream.
I loved this, Morgan! Don't give up on your dream. :)